
Barroso - "Save the doomed Euro by setting up a new super state"

[scottishdailyexpress] THE EU’s top bureaucrat yesterday claimed that only a fully-fledged super-state can save the euro.

But one critic, Tory MP Douglas Carswell, said: “This is a fight for Europe’s fat cats to cling on to their privileged positions and their taxpayer-funded fiefdom.
“It is not in the interests of the ­millions of people around Europe who have been oppressed by Barroso and his ilk’s currency scam.

“The sooner the euro breaks up, the better. People need a currency that works for them.

“And who voted for Barroso to lord it over us, anyway? He is an unelected bureaucrat who is overseeing a system that is falling apart.”

[Wikipedia] Douglas Carswell
Carswell has been an outspoken advocate of political reform, and action to clean up Westminster politics.[19] He has proposed radical change to force politicians to answer outward to the electorate, rather than to other politicians.[20] In recognition of his stance, the Daily Telegraph nominated him a Briton of the Year 2009,[21] and Spectator readers voted him their choice as Parliamentarian of the Year for that same year

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