
Zweifel an Geburtsurkunde - Obama soll Herkunft vor Gericht beweisen

[Focus] Es scheint wie ein böser Scherz: US-Präsident Barack Obama soll vor Gericht beweisen, dass er tatsächlich ein gebürtiger Amerikaner ist. Sonst darf der Amtsinhaber vielleicht nicht zur Vorwahl im März antreten.

Atlanta judge orders Obama to court to counter 'birther' claim
[TheGrio] ATLANTA - After nearly a full-term in office, numerous pieces of proof, and a publicly displayed birth certificate, you'd think that President Barack Obama would not have to continue to have his American citizenship challenged. Unfortunately, that's not the case as yet another "birther" claims that the President's birth certificate is not enough proof that he is a natural born citizen, and an Atlanta judge has order the president to appear in court.

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